Sallah is that time of the year again where merriment, celebrations and the sharing of food, most especially the highly anticipated “Ram meat”, comes around. Eid el Kabir, also known as Eid al-Adha or the Sacrifice Festival, is celebrated on the tenth day of the Islamic lunar month of Dhul Hijja. It is an annual celebration practiced by the Muslim/ Islamic faithfuls around the world. It’s the second of the two Islamic/ Muslim holidays celebrated annually. It honors the prophet Ibrahim’s selflessness in his willingness to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God’s command and as such, it is known as the holier of the two celebrations, where a ram is sacrificed and shared amongst family, friends as well as the poor and needy.

The values instilled here are those of gratitude and benevolence. Looking out for your neighbor and happily sharing what you have, with the ones around you as well as those who are less privileged or in need. It fosters a deep sense of self-awareness as you don’t only consider your needs but the needs of your neighbors. It promotes a general sense of community and togetherness, which are very important to the human condition as nobody is an island and as such, it is important to co-exist harmoniously by helping one another.

It is best to spend the day celebrating these values by creating fun moments from spending time together, sharing food, gift items, memories and love. A special day to look and feel your best so it’s vital to dress the kids in our premium Ruff n’ Tumble clothes as we have specially curated a trendy collection to cater to them during the festivities so they spend the day looking appropriately stylish, feeling happy and confident. Letting them look their best on the special day.  

You can get the entire collection, and so much more, when you visit Ruff ‘n’ Tumble stores or the Online store.



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