Exclusive Weekend Deals just for you


In recent times, you good people of our dear nation have experienced one of the most ridiculous cases of inflation that the country has ever seen.

Amazingly, through it all, you have managed to keep your heads above water, thriving and succeeding against all odds. Though you may not have clamored so much for it, we feel a need to meet you halfway.

The country may not be what it used to be but we have decided to remain who we are- a brand that is dedicated to making your children happy.

Making your kids happy may be tantamount to providing you with better deals that offer you more for less. Hence, we came to a very favorable conclusion for us both.


We decided to review our prices a little bit lower so that you can continue making your kids happy. It is unlikely that a premium brand that has stood for over two decades such as ours will do this but the difference between Ruff ‘n’ Tumble and other brands have always been our love for kids. It stands us apart.

Now that we have shared the good news with you, let us show you some of the exclusive deals we have for you in our retail stores nationwide.

For Your Girls

In accordance with what we have already discussed above, we present to you our fine array of exquisite outfits for your daughters.

Speaking of getting value for your money, we present to you this simple chic reversible Ankara dress. This dress is uniquely tailored according to our premium standards to give your daughter the value of two dresses for one.


This sleeveless reversible Ankara dress is a dress that can be worm both ways or ‘inside out’ but the beautiful aspect of this garment is that there is no true ‘inside out’ to it, as both sides can be worn.

The ropes at the sides of the dress can be loosened and turned over to the other side of the dress which reveals a different pattern.

This chic dress is quite breathable and allows for easy, elegant movement for your daughter.

Although, we have highlighted only one dress, do not forget that we have a whole array of elegant dresses in our online and retail stores nationwide. Shop them for less while this offer stands.

For Your Boys

Some people will argue that the most attractive thing a boy or man can wear is our cultural tunic. We are not saying that it is true as preferences differ but a tunic definitely switches up the style for any boy.

Your sons can go from looking like every other regular kid on the planet to an important dignitary in some minutes by simply rocking our tunic set.

In its usual display, our tunic consists of a mid-length top with long sleeves, fine detailed design at its center and sometimes, a breast pocket for a handkerchief. The handkerchief blends in some style and class.

Our tunic set for boys are available for boys in navy blue and grey in different sizes.

For Your Babies

Babies, of course, are not left out. We have dresses that are peculiar to your babies.

It is never too early for your babies to look elegant. Your baby should be the baby that induces baby fever in everyone that sees him or her but you can only make that happen when they look the part.

Our reversible Ankara dresses, onesies, shorts, pants and elegant dresses are available in our retail store nationwide, for your babies.

We have extended an arm of love by making you this exclusive deal, which allows you shop our carefully designed outfits for your children, at a lower cost.

This is our own way of saying we understand the economic situation and instead of inflating our prices like every other business is doing at this time, we have instead reviewed them lower just so you can put or keep the smile on your children’s faces.

We are different. We are Ruff ‘n’ Tumble and this is our bragging right.

We will be waiting to receive you in our retail stores nationwide or you can simply shop online for convenience.

We look forward to giving you offers that are more exclusive, even better than this.

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